The terror and joy of being known

Psychotherapy can heal the parts of you that didn’t feel understood or worthy of being understood. Healing is painful because it will shed light on parts of your experience that are currently outside of your awareness. We naturally avoid dynamics that are painful and much of what is painful for us is outside of our conscious awareness. As you bring attention to these feelings, they will be painful to discuss at first. Experiencing feelings as feelings that peak and pass, rather than truths that haunt you, heals your pain and alleviates your suffering.

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Relationships are long conversations

As you surrender to the process of being cared for, your sense of self-worth and safety will increase. You’ll become less afraid and more curious about your internal world. Thinking and talking about your internal experience becomes fun, rather than burdensome. Like any other trusting relationship, as you begin to trust the psychotherapy process, to feel efficacious and curious about your experience, psychotherapy can become really productive. At that point, rather than urgently needing psychotherapy to reduce your suffering, the psychotherapy relationship becomes a long conversation that you can choose to enjoy.

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