My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry

Developing courage, curiosity, and compassion

To live well with biological and psychological sensitivities that make you vulnerable to anxiety and depression, you have to change how you respond to your symptoms. Where you used to respond with avoidance, self-criticism, fear, you must learn to respond with courage, curiosity, and compassion. The mind is too mysterious to know it completely, but living by these values will reduce your suffering.

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My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry

You are actually suffering

I want to teach you to observe and understand your emotional patterns, so that you can see it for what it is when it occurs and get out of it yourself. You learn a way of relating to yourself that doesn’t prevent emotion from occurring, but alleviates the suffering you have about the experience of painful emotion over time. Because it is an entirely different way of thinking about your mind, it will take some time for you to practice enough and work out the details enough to be out in front of the pattern on a regular basis.

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My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry

The ordinary nature of well-being

What this means for the treatment of emotional disorders is that we have to work together to intentionally create circumstances that trigger your emotion with an attitude of curiosity and compassion, so that we can observe what’s happening and figure out the stuck points. We need to give you the opportunity and practice feeling something uncomfortable, deciding whether it is a threat, and then proceeding with confidence in your decision. We want you to expose yourself to emotion to learn how to love yourself, not to make it go away.

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My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry

Treating emotional disorders

What this means for the treatment of emotional disorders is that we have to work together to intentionally create circumstances that trigger your emotion with an attitude of curiosity and compassion, so that we can observe what’s happening and figure out the stuck points. We need to give you the opportunity and practice feeling something uncomfortable, deciding whether it is a threat, and then proceeding with confidence in your decision. We want you to expose yourself to emotion to learn how to love yourself, not to make it go away.

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My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry

The bio-psychosocial model of emotional disorders

You didn’t choose the brain you were born with, but how you respond to it is your responsibility. A bio-psychosocial model understands the limitations of each type of interventions as well as respecting and celebrating how different interventions can build upon one another. Regulated brain chemistry, psychological flexibility, and strong social support are all necessary components of emotional wellbeing.

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My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry My therapeutic framework Maggie Perry

Starting your psychotherapy journey

If you’re seeing me, I’m assuming something happened, either due to your biological vulnerabilities or your life experience or both, that prompted you to avoid some part of your internal experience in a very specific way that is amplified the experience. We’ll discover that together and help you relate to it differently.

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